Boost Your Brainpower with Online Checkers Game

Boosting your brainpower is an excellent way to improve your well-being and health as you age. Flexing your neuronal muscles keeps you sharp and can even improve job performance.
The usual routes for cognitive enhancement involve going to school, doing hard math problems, and using brain training apps. But you can also boost your brainpower with online checkers games. These test your intellectual mettle while providing social opportunities.
This article explores some of the benefits of playing checkers. We look at how you can use the game to sharpen your brain and get a mental workout.
Benefits of Playing Checkers
The benefits of playing checkers are greater than you think. The game teaches all sorts of skills, including some unexpected ones.
Memory Recall
One benefit of playing checkers is the enhanced memory recall it generates. Over time, you learn board position patterns and how to respond optimally, given what your opponent will likely do.
This learning takes time to master but, eventually, it becomes habitual. You see a board position and know exactly how you should respond to it.
Better Attention Span
Another key benefit of playing checkers is the improved attention span it can build. Games can last a while as you work out which moves to play next, improving concentration.
Checkers’ concentrating-training abilities come from the fact that you want to win. Unlike other brain-training activities, there are intrinsic rewards for applying your focus. You need to watch the board intently, just in case your opponent does something unexpected.
Perhaps even more importantly, checkers improve your problem-solving abilities. Often, you will find yourself in situations where you must think your way out of a tricky situation.
One example is when you can foresee a draw or loss because you can’t move your pieces. You may have to sacrifice checkers or set traps for your opponent, hoping they fall into a no-move situation before you do.
Problem-solving also emerges when playing with kings in the end game. Hunting down your enemy can be challenging and requires cunning when only a few pieces remain on the board.
Social Interaction
Lastly, checkers promotes social interaction. It’s best played with other people, whether online or in person. You can have a conversation over the match and enjoy social interactions.
Sharpen Your Brain with Checkers
Another approach is to see checkers as a brain-sharpening tool. Using it in the right way can enhance cognitive improvements.
Analyze Your Games
You can start by analyzing your games and seeing why you won or lost. Understanding strategies and how they work can give you an advantage over other players.
For example, you could ask why so many of your games result in no-move turns where you lose. You could rewind the tape to where your opponent is trapping you and forcing an error.
Simulate Scenarios
You can also try the simulation approach where you work through various games to see what happens. In these playthroughs, you work with the board to identify where the traps lie and how to avoid them.
Simulations are fun because they allow you to assess situations outside of real games with other humans. You can try new approaches that provide insights into more uncommon board positions.
Hide The Board
You could also try hiding the board by avoiding looking at it altogether. Some players claim this approach improves spatial reasoning and enables new pattern recognition.
Set Time Limits
Another tactic is to set time limits for games. Moving checkers against the clock forces your brain to build stronger connections, allowing you to perform better under pressure.
Setting time limits may also have spillover effects on your life as a whole. Working through checkers games quickly could improve cognition speed elsewhere. For example, you could limit a checkers game to 5 minutes. If you don’t beat your opponent in less than that time, you lose, regardless of who still has pieces on the board. You could also reduce the time to make moves by a few seconds in each round. This approach trains your brain over time to think faster and more clearly.
Manage Multiple Situations
Managing multiple situations is also how checkers sharpens your brain. Facing several threats at once forces you to think strategically about your next play. For example, sacrificing one area of the board could be better than losing ground in another, given the future moves you want to make.
Managing multiple situations like this teaches you that checkers is a game of trade-offs. Sometimes, the board will reward you, but other times, you simply have to take losses and make the most of a bad situation.
Strategies for Winning Checkers
Learning advanced strategies is another brain-sharpening technique because it introduces you to effective systems and play styles. These provide you with a deeper understanding of the game and offer numerous “aha” moments.
But what winning strategies are there?
Control The Center
Controlling the center is a top priority for most experienced checkers players. The idea is to take possession of the four central dark squares in the middle and control the position of other pieces.
Controlling the center works because it gives you more options. Arranging checkers in a diamond shape reduces the risk of being taken from any angle, including by kings attacking from the rear. The challenge is maintaining the shape through several moves. Sometimes you can push through like a phalanx, while other times, checkers move to the sides.
Don’t Play Defensively
Another pro tip is to avoid playing checkers defensively. Constant rear-guard action isn’t a way to win and can lead to no-move scenarios.
Furthermore, playing defensively usually leads to a loss of options. Eventually, your opponent will encroach on your territory, forcing you to make moves that you would otherwise want to avoid.
Advance Your Checkers Together
Advancing your checkers together is another pro strategy. Experts use this approach at the start of the game to prevent checker loss early on.
Jumping and capturing pieces in checkers requires clear space behind. However, if other checkers occupy these spaces, this becomes impossible.
Of course, since you can only move one piece forward at a time, you will still open gaps as you advance. However, opening them in a stepwise fashion while observing the position of your enemy’s pieces can help.
Sacrifice Checkers When Necessary
Sometimes you will need to sacrifice checkers to win the game. However, many players are unwilling to do this because of the short-term costs. Nobody wants to lose a piece deliberately!
However, it can make sense. One situation is where the sacrifice opens up a path to getting a king. Another is when you risk entering a no-move situation and forfeiting the game. Think about these benefits before making the move.
Occupy The Four Rear Squares
Another tactic is to occupy the four rear squares on the board. Holding these positions until the last minute prevents the opposing player from gaining a king and provides opportunities for counter attacks (particularly because the player has to move toward you first.
Force Moves From Your Opponent
Forcing moves by your opponent is sometimes necessary to progress the game (and get into a better position), particularly when they are also occupying the last four squares. Putting checkers in harm’s way to get them to come out of their fortress opens up the game and creates new opportunities if you plan well.
Don’t be afraid to trade pieces when you get ahead. Sometimes, it is okay to swap 4 pieces for 3 pieces if you already depleted your opponent’s stock of checkers on the board and doing so whittles them down to a single king.
Aim To Get Kings Fast
Try to get a king as rapidly as possible. These pieces can move in any diagonal direction and attack your opponent from the front or back.
If you have two kings, you can coordinate their attacks and make it almost impossible for your opponent to avoid losing pieces. It also makes it more straightforward to hunt down rogue checkers and capture them before a draw situation emerges.
Block Your Opponent
Finally, look for methods to block your opponent and prevent them from making any new moves. Arresting their forward advances can get them to forfeit the game.
Watch to see whether they move their pieces together, as suggested above. This tactic often results in fewer movement possibilities later, increasing the likelihood of a stalemate. If you can sequence your moves in the right order, you can often time the game so you move last.
Mental Workout with Checkers
Ultimately, checkers provides a mental workout for players. The game requires a combination of skill and cunning, making it a fun board game for brain training.
The degree of mental workout you get depends on how deeply you go into it. A superficial appreciation of checkers is quite different from a more fundamental understanding of how the game works.
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DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no "winnings", as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.